Thursday, August 29, 2024

Do You Wanna Read A Sample?

 A thing I get asked a lot about my books is the question "What should I start with?"  And I'll admit, it can be a little harrowing for me to answer that question.  Which one would you like best?  What's your best entry point into my work?  I don't always know how to answer that.

I thought to myself, "If only there was a way I could offer folks a free sample so they could see if they liked any of my series and they could decide if they wanted to buy the books and continue."

And then I realized, "Wait, I can totally offer a free sample."

So here it is!  A free ebook you can download with the first few chapters of The Thorn of DentonhillA Murder of Mages, The Holver Alley CrewWay of the Shield and The Velocity of Revolution.  If you've yet to read any of my work and are curious to try it out, here's a safe, no-risk, no-commitment way to give it a shot, and then, if you're so inclined, come back and try the rest!


Thursday, July 18, 2024

July Report: Glasgow, Traveling Light & Royal First Irregulars

 Hello friends!

Once again, it’s been too long since I’ve done a proper update, and there is so much going on!

First of all, I will be attending Worldcon in Glasgow, where Worldbuilding for Masochists is up for another Hugo.  (And if you’ve got the inclination to vote and haven’t yet, there’s still time!  And if you are inclined to vote for Worldbuilding for Masochists for Best Fancast, we would greatly appreciate it!)  If you are also at Glasgow, please say hello!  

Also, I’ll be at ArmadilloCon in September.  More on that as we get closer to it.

Now the big question is, what about writing?  Well, I’ve got a little news on that front.  For one, Worldbuidling for Masocists has put together an anthology with some brilliant authors set in the world of the magical gates that we have been building on air.  Traveling Light: Tales of the Magical Gates comes out August 13th and you can pre-order it now!


The other side of the world could be just a step away...

Whether loved, despised, or just a fact of life, the Gates connect all parts of the globe to each other in an interwoven web linking disparate cultures and forming strange relationships. And whether you're a seasoned Traveler or a neophyte, when you step through a Gate, you won't be the same on the other side.

For one thing, you'll be naked.

The Gates only admit living beings - but living beings always bring with them their knowledge, their faith, their languages, their skills, and their beliefs. Some nations embrace the Gates. Others fear them. For some nations, they are the beating hearts of trade, centers for the exchange of language and philosophy, hubs of adventure and discovery. For others, they are useless dead-ends, objects of terror, or outright threats.

In this anthology, twelve authors explore the adventures, intrigues, and discoveries, large and small, global and personal, that occur because of the interconnections of these incredible magical Gates.

I’ve got one story in there, plus there are stories from Marie Brennan, Mike Chen, J.C. Pillard, Victor Manibo, Kate Elliott, Rowenna Miller, Lindsey Carmichal, Natania Barron, Cass Morris, Valerie Valdes and Michael Underwood.  I am reall proud of this anthology, and I encourage you to check it out!

ALSO, I have a new Maradaine novella coming in September, The Royal First Irregulars!

Lt. Fredelle Pence and the other women of the Royal First Irregulars are elite soldiers, skilled in their weapons of choice to the level of art. But the Royal First Irregulars aren't treated like elite soldiers, but as a traveling sideshow. Sent on a "morale tour", they’re ordered to travel from base to base across the kingdom, using their skills only in staged performance, usually only to jeers and catcalls.

Life on tour brings opportunity, as Fredelle and the other Irregulars learn of a band of marauders attacking a village. They defy orders and go after the raiders, to prove once and for all just what they are capable of. But proving that becomes more of a test then they ever suspected, and the cost to all of them will be higher than they bargained for.

Pre-Order Now!

But you are asking, rightfully, what about further Maradaine novels?  A valid question.  I’ve been working on An Unkindness of Uncircled Mages, but it’s been slower going than I would like.  But it is still going!  I hope to have news for you on that soon.  Plus I am working on a new non-Maradaine project, which I don’t want to talk too much about, other than to say I am writing it with someone else (it’s my wife!), and it’s been an incredible process so far. 

That’s all for now!  


Tuesday, January 30, 2024

New Editions, New Host, and more!

 So, once again, it’s been a bit since I’ve communicated.  But this time there is news!  I’m thrilled to report that there are going to be new releases of all the Maradaine Saga books from Artemisia Books.  The Thorn of Dentonhill and A Murder of Mages are already out, and the rest of Phase One will be coming out in February!

  • FEBRUARY 6th: The Holver Alley Crew and Way of the Shield
  • FEBRUARY 13th: The Alchemy of Chaos, An Import of Intrigue, Lady Henterman’s Wardrobe and Shield of the People
  • FEBRUARY 20th: The Imposters of Aventil, A Parliament of Bodies, The Fenmere Job and People of the City

We’ll be seeing An Unintended Voyage coming out mid-March, and both The Assassins of Consequence and The Quarrygate Gambit.All of these are being released as trade paperback and e-book, which also means these will be the first time Assassins and Quarrygate will be released in physical media! All of them will be $17.99 (USD) for trade paperback and $3.99 for ebook.  

However, if you go to the Artemisia website, you can find direct purchase links for the trade paperbacks for $14.99, and week of release for each, on my website, there will be a special limited time purchase link for each one for $11.99, including Thorn and Murder the first week.

Beyond that, further Maradaine Phase Two titles will be coming out from Artemisia, with the fourth Maradaine Constabulary novel, An Unkindness of Uncircled Mages, hopefully out before the end of the year.

Also, just so you know it’s not forgotten, The Velocity of Revolution will get its own Artemisia re-release, most likely in May, but there’s still some details to hammer out there so it might take a little longer.

It’s been a while since I’ve talked about the podcast!  We’ve had some big changes, namely we’ve now been joined by the amazing Natania Barron!  If you’ve not caught up yet, go check it out!  The past few episodes we’ve not had any additional guests, so we could get into a new rhythm with Natania, but in upcoming episodes we’ll be joined  by some brilliant writers like Fonda Lee, Melissa Caruso, Gwenda Bond, Premee Mohammad and more!

In February I’ll be appearing at FenCon, so if you are in the greater DFW area and wish to say hello, here’s a great chance.  That’ll be February 23-25.

Also, in addition to all the above, I have a few more things in the works, but nothing I can really talk about yet.  I’m excited to share it all when I can.