So, the other day on Facebook, I posted the following:
My life for the foreseeable future, at any given time I will be:
Anticipating release of Book N
Expecting/Working Proofs for Book N+1
Expecting/Working Copyedits for Book N+2
Editing/Drafting Book N+3
Outlining/Prep on Book N+4
And that's pretty much an accurate look at where I'm going to be. Right now, for example: Anticiapting release of An Import of Intrigue, Expecting proofs for Holver Alley Crew and copyedits for The Imposters of Aventil, and drafting Lady Henterman's Wardrobe while doing outline prep work for A Parliament of Bodies. (I'm also rewriting Way of the Shield, but that's not part of this equation yet).
But then a friend wrote, "You forgot "continuing to promote Book N -1""
And she's completely right. I do forget about that.

So as you're gearing up to pre-order
An Import of Intrigue, don't forget that you can get the second Thorn novel,
The Alchemy of Chaos, right now! And some reminders of why you should
want to get this book inside your eyeholes right away:
"The Alchemy of Chaos is another stirring story of magic and mayhem." -
The Qwillery (There's also an interview with me at the same link.)
"This is a fun and exciting fantasy story that highlights the author’s imagination and dexterity at creating a compelling adventure story" -
Nightowl Reviews
"Mr. Maresca has provided his readers with another dashing adventure in Maradaine and it was GREAT." -
Powder and Page
"It takes a fun addictive book that I just outright enjoy for me to read it that fast, and this is that type of book." -
The Speculative Herald
"Fantasy adventure readers, especially fans of spell-wielding students, will enjoy these lively characters and their high-energy story." -
Publishers Weekly

And, of course, there's what's already being said about
An Import of Intrigue.
"If you’re looking for a new detective series mixed with fantasy elements, this is a great choice – and if you’ve already seen the world of the Maradaine Constabulary, then this novel will only reward your attention." -
SFandF Reviews
"Maresca offers something beyond the usual high fantasy fare, with a wealth of unique and well-rounded characters, a vivid setting, and complicatedly intertwined social issues that feel especially timely." -
Publishers Weekly
So what are you waiting for? Two fantastic books (according to these people) that you should be checking out, no? After all, there's plenty of Maradaine still to come.