Let me put this out there: I kind of love writing while on trips or on vacation. Mostly because "vacation", for me, means I don't have to do household-y things, so I can relax, and relaxing for me is actually being able to get my work done.
Now, I've been blessed that my "regular" job ("day job" would be inaccurate) has given me the ability to go to Mexico several times in the past few years, and those vacations were also incredibly productive, writingwise.
Also, for road trips, now my son is driving (and he loves driving), so I don't have to drive. A few weeks ago we went out to Big Bend, and I could sit in the back with a laptop and write as the long miles of Texas passed by.

For me, a "vacation" is a writing retreat, plan and simple. It's a way to recharge and activate that creative energy.
Now, writing while at cons? Nope. Almost never happens. Sometimes I get a bit done (especially if I end up staying at a different hotel from the con proper), but most of the time: that weekend is a wash. Well, maybe not on the flights (if there are flights involved). I can write on planes pretty well, also. I'm pretty sure I finished the rough draft of The Holver Alley Crew (way back when) on a plane.
On that note: next weekend is kind of writing-retreat-staycation. I'm hoping to get a lot done. Fingers crossed.
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