Thursday, January 1, 2015

Looking Out at 2015

Here we are in the new year, and needless to say, 2015 is a year I'm very excited about.  Mostly for the hoverboards and flying cars, which I'm assured will be available in the next nine months. 
Of course, I'm also excited to have two books coming out in February and July. 
So, what are the plans and goals for 2015, beyond launching two books?  How am I going to push myself?  Because this is far from the time to rest on my laurels.
First, I'm going to finish my space opera novel Banshee.  This one has been a long time coming, and it took me years to figure out what the story needed to be.  Almost everything in my original conception, save the central character, is completely different.  Lt. Kengle is the only constant. With that done, I can officially call myself a fantasy and science fiction novelist.  Plus, I'll finish the rough draft of Murder of Mages II, and we'll get the gears turning on getting Holver Alley Crew and Way of the Shield out in the world.  Because, frankly, now that my foot is in the door, I fully intend to go through, no matter what.
Second, I've been experimenting with an idea for something short-form and serialized.  It's still very much in its nascent stages.  Obviously, this is on the backburner compared to getting the bigger projects done.  (Especially if I'm asked to also do Thorn III and Murder IIIAre they already outlined?  Yes, of course they are.)  But it's a neat idea that I'm starting to crack the spine of.
Thirdly, I want to up my game in terms of paying-it-forward.  Of course, this year I'll be running the ArmadilloCon Writers' Workshop, but I'm contemplating ways to do more beyond that.  Still thinking about what I can do. 
So, here's to 2015 being a fruitful and successful year, and I hope the same for all of you. 

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