To be clear: that has 59 projects on it, ranging in completeness from "Published" to "Vague Idea". I have nine different levels of priority (ten if you count "complete", and thus not a priority at all). I have color coding and project codes.
I am not lacking for things to do, certainly.

Here's a closer look, still with redactions, so you can get a sense of how I use this to plan for the short term (what needs to be done NOW), medium term (looking ahead about next steps in each thing) and LONG term, because: there's 59 things on there. Because I need to know, what's the next month look like? What's the next year look like? The next five years? And the answers to these questions constantly evolve. Part of my system means being prepared for that.
And the next month, as you can see, has a few things on it, so time to get to it.
That is amazing. And it's fun puzzling out your codes in the leftmost column :)
Well, I couldn't just redact it all. Had to have something to whet the appetite.
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