Monday, April 5, 2010

The New Plan

About six months ago, I announced I would attempt something crazy. Namely, that I would write three rough drafts of three novels in six months. Those six months ended last Wednesday, and I did not meet that goal. It was an unreasonable goal, after all.

I did meet other goals, like doing another re-write of Thorn of Dentonhill, and finishing a rough draft of the script for Triple Cross.

So, what's next? For one, I want to finish the rough draft of Maradaine Constabulary. My goal for that is May 15th. To that end, I've come up with a new writing plan:

No Sleep Until 1000.

It's very simple. Every day, I write a thousand words. If I write more, great, but every day, it's got to be a thousand. That's for just MCI. Plus I need to work the second draft of Holver Alley Crew. And a short story for an anthology.

Now back to writing.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Very ambitious plan. I wish you luck!!