Monday, May 23, 2016

Writer's Status Report - May 2016 Edition

My brain is a collection of rabbits, running in every which direction, that I am struggling to gather up.
Right now I'm working, in some capacity, on the two manuscripts for 2018, Lady Henterman's Wardrobe and A Parliament of Bodies.  Tied to that-- or at least to Parliament-- is a rewrite of an unsold manuscript. I've turned in a draft of Imposters of Aventil and I'm waiting to get editorial notes on it.  Plus Banshee and Untitled Fantatsy Project both call out, wanting their own attention.  And sometimes the writing brain just wants to play with the map.   The map bit can be especially frustrating, because I've reached the point where I'm messing with a Photoshop file that's half a gig.  It sometimes slows the laptop to a grind.
This is where my brain is right now.  A lot going on, which is, in all fairness, what I signed up for.  I'm happy to do it.
But at the same time, I've got some rabbits to catch.  So I'll get on it.

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