Thursday, September 1, 2011

Autumn is Upon Us

Ah, September is here, and the leaves are changing color.  Of course, I'm in Texas, and that has more to do with drought than seasonal changes.  The temperatures here are still in the triple digits.

But still, for all practical purposes The Summer Is Over.  The post-con haze is fading, and one is left with fond memories and a nice bump in Facebook friends and Twitter followers.  And the lingering question, Now What?

Despite my best intentions, I didn't finish the new draft of Maradaine Constabulary.  I did a fair amount of work, but it turned into a slightly bigger project than I anticipated.  My current goal is to get that done by the end of October.  Please, dear readers, fee free to hassle me on the status of that one.  That will make me feel like it's anticipated.  And I can't let my fans down, right?  (It's best to adopt this sort of attitude early, so it's instinctive when it actually matters.)

After that, then I'll sink my teeth into Way of the Shield in earnest.  I think I'm almost on a breakthrough with this one, in terms of figuring out the plot in terms of character. 

I did have some major breakthroughs on Flight of the Banshee (formerly USS Banshee), which has shifted from being Military SF to more Space Opera.  Though some of those ideas might find a better home in Starstruck, which is pretty pure Space Opera with some old-school style Infocom inspiration sprinkled in.  (And, no, it's not written in second person.  I'm not THAT crazy.)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nice plan! I try that a lot, but life keeps getting in the way!