Thursday, July 26, 2012

Scrambling Together on my End

ArmadilloCon starts tomorrow, so I'm under the hammer getting myself ready.  So, since my brain is already approaching a tapioca-like state, here are some of the other panels which I think might be fun to attend, not including readings.  More coherent blog posts next week.

Fr2000T The Still Changing Definition of Urban Fantasy
Fri 8:00 PM-9:00 PM Trinity
A. Bishop, J. Blaschke, C. Neill, N. Holzner*, S. Leicht, A. Marmell
This subgenre label has been around for decades -- but would War for the Oaks or other classic works even fit in today's category? What does it mean, and what does it include and exclude? How is it changing, and how is it likely to change in the future? 
Fr2200T Writing a Strong Female Protagonist
Fri 10:00 PM-11:00 PM Trinity
M. Bracken, R. Frater, K. Kimbriel, J. Moyer, C. Neill, P. Sarath*
The challenges of writing a tough-yet-relatable heroine. 
Sa1000SB Story Ideas I Hope to Never See Again
Sat 10:00 AM-11:00 AM Sabine
M. Bey*, M. Dimond, B. Hale, A. Marmell
Been there, read that, don't want another t-shirt 
Sa1600SB Learning from Others' Mistakes: Writing Errors to Avoid
Sat 4:00 PM-5:00 PM Sabine
J. Blaschke*, J. Cheney, U. Fung, S. Lynch, J. Moyer, W. Spencer
You don't have to make every writing error personally. How do you use others' failures as a way to improve your own work? 
Sa1700SB Building a Fictional Society from the Ground Up
Sat 5:00 PM-6:00 PM Sabine
A. Bishop, A. Downum, A. Goldsmith, J. Mandala, J. Reisman*, M. Wells
A discussion of worldbuilding in sf/f.
Sa2000SB Tips and Tricks to Write More Gooder
Sat 8:00 PM-9:00 PM Sabine
S. Brust*, A. Downum, G. Faust, S. Lynch, C. Richerson, S. White
The craft and process of writing, and how to bring out your best.

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